Jaguarundi Zapotal

$ 79
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Jaguarundis are active 24/7, with a burst of energy at dawn and dusk. They're skilled swimmers and don't shy away from a dip. This feline is bigger than your average house cat but smaller than a puma. It's been likened to a wily weasel and lively otter. Hand-carved from a single block of wood, this work of art perfectly captures the elegance of a coiled and upright serpent. Every delicate feature is intricately carved and expertly painted, a true masterpiece by the talented Osiel Rodriguez.

• Handcrafted and Thoroughly Smoothed
• Individually Brushed with Precision
• Signature Signed by the Artist
• Single Piece Carving
• Authentic Oaxacan Carving made from prized Copal Wood
• Origin of This Carving is the village of Arrazola
• Ascetically One of a Kind Celebrated Mexican Folk Art
• Zapotec Patterned Brush Artistry

Dimensions Approx. 6" L x 3" tall (Small-Medium)

Since 1998 Port Wahakaa has been shipping Oaxacan Woodcarvings worldwide.  See our recent reviews.

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