Really impressive apex predator of the insect world. Celebrated here anatomic prowess. This quad winged specimen is the most elaborate of the mantids carved by the Blas family. Majestic and formidable camouflaged in lucid greens and fire tinged reds. Grandest of all the insects in our gallery. It's symmetry and balance is without compare.
• Hand Carved and Meticulously Sanded
• Punctiliously Painted by Hand
• Signature Signed by the Artist
• Authentic Oaxacan Carving made from super Ocote wood in the Sierra Madre.
• Multi Piece Carving twelve pieces, legs, wings, antennae
• Origin of This Carving is the village San Pedro Cajonos
• Ascetically One of a Kind Celebrated Mexican Folk Art
Dimensions Approx. 15" tall x 10" L (Large)
Since 1998 Port Wahakaa has been shipping Oaxacan Woodcarvings worldwide. See our recent reviews.