Animalitos Gallery of Oaxacan Wood Carvings
From the familiar creatures of everyday life to the exotic animals on far away locales. Animales superbly showcase Oaxacan artist's tenacity for whimsical flair and invention. Wildly diverse and ever evolving one of a kind creations.
Sello De Circo
$ 79
Oblong Armadillo
$ 199
Fluido Elefante
$ 199
Eminent Armadillo
$ 199
Pingüino Del Fuego
$ 179
Okomu Rhino
$ 159
Cielos Toro
$ 219
Rinoceronte Nandxo
$ 229
Cerdo Ixtepec
$ 199
Biiya Nutria
$ 229
Buey Cubi
$ 199